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Dr. Sheldon Pinnell會面

作為SkinCeuticals的創辦科學家,Dr. Pinnell憑著其突破性的研究,為抗氧化精華重新定義。他不單是一位皮膚科醫生、大學教授及護膚化學家,快來認識實驗室背後的他,聽聽他講解其偉大發現。

Dr. Pinnell passed away July 2013. His quest for knowledge and dedication to skin science was paramount for establishing SkinCeuticals as the antioxidant authority. His work will continue to inspire our research and promote our mission, which is to develop advanced skincare solutions backed by science.

Dr. Pinnell



Dr. Pinnell是一位來自美國杜克大學的出色教授,目前的名函為「J. Lamar Callaway Professor Emeritus of Dermatology」。他成為杜克大學醫學院成員已有40年,當中15年擔任首席皮膚科主任,並以皮膚科醫生及科學研究員的身份,訓練過無數美國以至世界各地的醫生。憑藉接近40年對皮膚癌的不懈研究,他曾於多份皮膚科醫學期刊刊載超過200篇通過同行評審的文章,題材包括外塗維他命C、抗氧化劑、膠原蛋白合成及光侵害等。


Dr. Pinnell於美國耶魯大學取得醫學學士學位,曾於明尼蘇達大學附屬醫院實習,其後前往哈佛大學及麻省醫院(波士頓)修畢皮膚科。他於位於馬里蘭州貝塞斯達的國家衛生研究院及慕尼黑的德國馬克斯普朗克生物化學研究所以膠原蛋白研究學家的身份進行一連串的研究。他於杜克大學取得化學文學士學位,並成為美國最享負盛名的榮譽學會之一「Phi Beta Kappa」的成員。


過去30年,Dr. Pinnell在皮膚科學方面所進行的研究,為他取得了超過10個專利。其中,對SkinCeuticals歷史最具影響力的,莫過於「穩定的左旋維他命C(維他命C)配方」,這個研究所訂立的配方標準稱為「杜克抗氧化劑專利」,其後更有三個專利,進一步鞏固此專利:第一是個是以獨有的使用方法,保障Skin Firming Cream及眼霜的配方;二是保障SkinCeuticals的維他命C+E產品的配方組合;三是保障Phloretin系列的產品配方。這些專利互相配合,便能為SkinCeuticals抗氧化產品建立非常穩固的根基。

Dr. Pinnell的研究

Dr. Pinnell的杜克抗氧化劑專利,促使SkinCeuticals急速發展,但其實Dr. Pinnell一路以來亦創下許多里程碑,其皮膚科研究曾被刊載於同行評審的醫學期刊,並廣泛地獲得業界的認同。


Dr. Pinnell曾撰寫超過100份通過同行評審的醫學文獻,當中許多都跟抗氧化精華的創新科技有直接關係:

Topical L-Ascorbic Acid Percutanous Absorption Studies
Pinnell, S.R., et al.,Topical L-Ascorbic Acid: Percutaneous Absorption Studies. Dermatol Surg 27:2, 137-142, 2001

Pinnell, S.R., et al.,Topical L-Ascorbic Acid: Percutaneous Absorption Studies. Dermatol Surg 27:2, 137-142, 2001


Lin, J.Y., Selim, M.A., Shea, C.R., Grichnik, J. M., Omar, M.M., Monterio-Riviere, N.A., and Pinnell, S.R. J Amer Acad Dermatol 48: 866-74, 2003.

Pinnell, S.R, J Am Acad Dermatol. 48(1): 1-19, 2003.


蘊含維他命C及E的外塗抗氧化精華,在Ferulic Acid的穩定下,能有效保護紫光線對皮膚造成傷害。
Pinnell, S. et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 59(3):418-25, 2008.
第三代SkinCeuticals抗氧化精華C E Ferulic,其抗氧化及抗衰老效能比皮膚天然保護的高達8倍。



Lin, J.Y., Lin, F-H., Burch, J.A., Selim, M. Angelica, Monterio-Riviere, N.A., Grichnik, J. M. and Pinnell, S.R. J Invest Dermatol, 123:5, 996-998, 2004.

Tournas, J.A., Lin, F-H, Burch, J.A., Selim, M.A., Monteiro-Riviere, N.A., Zielinski, J.E., and Pinnell, S.R. J Invest Dermatol, 126, 1185-1187, 2006.


作為我們最尊崇的醫生及皮膚科學家,Dr. Sheldon Pinnell曾獲頒發無數獎項及名函,當中包括:

  • J. Lamar Callaway教授及杜克大學皮膚醫學系首席教授
  • Honorary Membership to the Society for Investigative Dermatology
  • 全美最佳皮膚科醫生
  • 國際醫科學人名人錄
  • 科學與工程學人名人錄
  • 美國名人錄
  • 美國皮膚醫學協會專科醫生
  • 美國皮膚研究院成員
  • 美國皮膚學協會成員
  • 皮膚科醫學會成員
  • 美國醫生協會成員

In 2013, the Duke University School of Medicine and the Department of Dermatology created The Sheldon Pinnell Center for Investigative Dermatology to honor Dr. Pinnell’s unwavering commitment to the discovery of new and innovative methods of treating skin diseases and to training the next generation of young investigators. The establishment of the Pinnell Center provides a comprehensive program for investigative dermatology through support for early career investigators with initial funding; support for post-doctoral fellow training; funding for innovative proposals and new projects focused on translational research leading to new therapies for skin disease; and the enrichment of the investigative community through regular seminar series, development of core facilities and laboratories, and support for translational and clinical research.

With a vision to build a world-renowned Department of Dermatology , Dr. Pinnell marked his tenure as division chief from 1982-1997 with bold strategic initiatives, including the recruitment of new clinicians and investigators, establishing new areas of research in immuno-dermatology and connective tissue, as well as initiating new clinical efforts in wound care, laser medicine, dermatologic surgery, and pediatric dermatology. His efforts and those who have come before and after him culminated in the establishment of the Department of Dermatology in 2009, highly regarded today for innovation and excellence in research, clinical care, and training.

The Pinnell Center serves as an enduring legacy of the faculty, staff and students’ appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Pinnell for his loyalty, mentoring, enthusiastic embrace of academic life, intellectual curiosity and outstanding leadership that has positioned Duke University’s Department of Dermatology as a national and world leader.

Skin Ceuticals

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